August 18, 2021
Montreal, Quebec, Canada (Montreal Chapter)
Plant care and wellness workshops
In partnership with our community media sponsor Mountain Lake PBS, we are pleased to continue our Latte Plant Care Workshops as part of our Wellness & Education Series to the Greater Montreal area community.
In our plant care workshops, led by a Greenhound volunteer, we demonstrate how some widely used techniques which can be used to make plant 'babies' and how to make plant accessories to support the growth of tropical house plants. For plant propagations, we go through the elements of several techniques, such as stem cutting, division, and air layering, and discuss the merits for each approach for different species of plants.
Our community partner in Montreal's downtown core, Leaves House Cafe, will be hosting our Latte Plant Care workshop series in August through November, 2021. During the workshop, attendees will be provided the opportunity to choose vegan-alternative drinks. Leaves House Cafe is offering attendees 15% off Leaves House Cafe's plants and merchandise during the session.
Our workshops will help us to develop healing garden projects and wellness programs across Canada.
Which plants will be propagated?
We plan to propagate Hawaiian Golden pothos Epipremnum aureum, Monstera adansonii, Zamioculcas zamiifolia (ZZ), sansevieria, Tradescantia Nanouk, Scindapsus Exotica, and Ficus elastica Tineke. Attendees of our workshops will be able to also take home the baby plants propagated into small pots.
Questions or requests, contact info@GreenhoundCanada.org
All materials are provided to the participants.

Check out our workshops in our Plant Care Educational Series which will also show you how to make moss climbing poles and optimal soil mixes. More dates to come for September and October
Sessions confirmed and ticket reservation (by donation amount):
Tuesday, Aug 24 Montreal, QC English/French - Propagation des plantes
Sunday, Aug 29 Montreal, QC English - Propagating plant babies
Thursday, Sept 9 Montreal, QC English - Propagating plant babies
Sunday, Sept 12 Montreal, QC English - Propagating plant babies
Thursday, Sept 16 Montreal, QC English - Propagating plant babies
Saturday, Sept 18 Montreal, QC Bilingual - Propagation des plantes
Saturday, Sept 25 Montreal, QC Bilingual - Propagation des plantes
Saturday, Oct 2 Montreal, QC Bilingual - Propagation des plantes
Saturday, Oct 9 Montreal, QC Bilingual - Spaghum Moss Climbing Poles
Sunday, Oct 17 Montreal, QC Bilingual - Propagation des plantes
Saturday, Oct 30 Montreal, QC Bilingual - Propagation des plantes
Saturday, Nov 6 Montreal, QC Bilingual - TBD
Sunday, Nov 14 Montreal, QC Bilingual - TBD
Tickets can be reserved on our EventBrite page:
Plant hobbyists, cafe venues, and educators:
If you are interested to organize plant care education workshops in your community, school, or group, please contact our foundation and we'll make it happen together. By participating, you will help raise funds to develop community healing gardens specifically in your area.
Contact: Kelvin Mok (kelvin.mok@greenhoundcanada.org)

Dirigés par une membre de notre équipe, nous ferons une démonstration des techniques de propagation des plantes (bouturage, marcottage, et la division d’un rhizome).
Vous pourrez ramener à la maison les bébés plants que vous avez propagés dans de petits pots pendant l'atelier. Vous obtiendrez également une boisson savoureuse au café Maison Leaves
Quelles plantes obtiendrons-nous?
Nous aurons de nombreuses plantes avec lesquelles travailler, différentes variétés chaque semaine. Par example: Hawaiian Golden pothos Epipremnum aureum, Monstera adansonii, Zamioculcas zamiifolia (ZZ), sansevieria, Tradescantia Nanouk, Scindapsus Exotica, Ficus elastica Tineke. Si vous avez des requests: info@greenhoundcanada.org.
Les participants bénéficieront également d'une réduction de 15% sur les plantes et la marchandise du Leaves House Cafe pendant la session!
Nos partenaires communautaires comprennent Mountain Lake PBS, qui est un commanditaire médiatique de la série sur le bien-être de la Greenhound Canada Foundation.

This plant care education and wellness series is supported by our community partners, Mountain Lake PBS and Leaves House Cafe.

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More information about us
Greenhound Canada is a not-for-profit organization with the goal of developing greenspace botanical gardens to support community and mental health wellness. We are raising funds to create urban healing gardens across Canada and provide plant care and therapy classes. We are located in Montreal and we are led by volunteers. If you're interested to participate in our events or garden spaces, visit www.greenhoundcanada.org or email us at info@greenhoundcanada.org
Leaves House Cafe is a beautiful cafe that promotes vegan alternative consumption. They are situated on McGill College street in downtown Montreal.
Greenhound Canada est une organisation à but non lucratif. Notre objectif est de développer des jardins botaniques d'espaces verts pour soutenir le bien-être de la communauté et de la santé mentale. Nous collectons des fonds pour créer des jardins de guérison urbains au Canada et pour offrir des cours sur les soins des plantes, et cour la thérapie. Nous sommes situés à Montréal et nous sommes des bénévoles.
Si vous êtes intéressé à participer à nos événements ou espaces de jardinage, visitez www.greenhoundcanada.org ou envoyez-nous un courriel à info@greenhoundcanada.org
Leaves House Cafe est un beau café qui favorise la consommation alternative végétalienne. Ils sont situés sur la rue McGill College au centre-ville de Montréal.